Sunday 28 February 2016

Retail Discount Setups Dynamics AX

CASE 1: Apply 30% discounts on Product 100298

For this kind of discounts navigate to Retail > Common > price and discount > Discount
Create a new discount by clicking New button
Enter discount (normally auto generated from number sequence) and then enter name (if required)
Enter all necessary information in general fast tab as below; select your price group from the drop down and currency in which discount is to be applied.
*Note: select the status as enabled when everything is finalized and hence it will not allow further editing.
Enter discount percentage (e.g: 30%) which is required to apply on either single product or on a list of products. Then enter the period in validation period in which discount will be available.
Select either a product (e.g: 100298 and 100299) or whole category in Lines fast tab.
Enable the discount and Run job n-1020 for discounts.
Below is a sample transaction for this product on POS.

CASE 2: Apply buy one get on discounts same products

For this kind of discounts navigate to Retail > Common > price and discount > Quantity Discount
Create a new discount by clicking New button and add necessary information as below (screenshot)
Select a product in Lines fast tab
Click configuration (on top) to add minimums quantity to be offered as discount and enter discount % or discounted price for quantity.
Enable the discount and Run job n-1020 for discounts.

CASE 3: Apply buy one get on discounts different products

For this kind of discounts navigate to Retail > Common > price and discount > Mix and Match Discount
Create a new discount by clicking New button and add necessary information as below (screenshot)
Select line spec. in price/discount tab
Enter a validation period of offer
After that in Line fast tab create two mix & match line discount by:
Line 1. For the item that sells for free (e.g: 100301). Set ‘Deal price’ to 0 for this line
Line 2. For the item that sells for full price (e.g: 100300). Set ‘Discount %’ to 0 for this line
Select line group from drop down it will be catered from Mix and match line group (on top)
Select a line group for each item
Enable the discount and Run job n-1020 for discounts.
A sample transaction is performed on POS using this discount.

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