What’s included in CU8

CU8 for AX 2012 R3 includes:

How to install CU8

To get started with your installation of CU8, complete these steps:
  1. Review the System Requirements to make sure that your environment supports CU8.
  2. Download CU8 from the Hotfix Download Available section on the CU8 download page.
  3. Install CU8 by following the step-by-step instructions in the Installation Guide for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Cumulative Update 8.
To help you better understand the CU8 installation, you may also want to see the following

Help and how-to content

Product documentation for AX 2012 (including all versions and cumulative updates) is available on TechNet.
For more information about all versions of AX 2012, see the following resources:

Known issues

The known issues in CU8 can be found by using the Issue search tool in Lifecycle Services. You can log in to Lifecycle Services using your CustomerSource or PartnerSource account, and then in the Issue search box, enter "CU8 known issue". (NOTE: Be sure to enter "CU8 known issue", otherwise you'll get different search results.)