Wednesday 25 March 2015

AX for Retail Troubleshooting

Use the following procedure to set up a batch job to process status messages from Commerce Data Exchange.
The batch job transfers messages from the message database to the Microsoft Dynamics AX database. After messages are copied to the Microsoft Dynamics AX database, they can be viewed in Microsoft Dynamics AX. For information about how to view status messages, see View or cancel retail data distribution sessions and View history for a distribution schedule.
The batch job also purges expired data from both the Microsoft Dynamics AX database and the message database. Data expiration depends on the retention period that you specified in the parameters for Retail Scheduler.
A batch job is a scheduled run of a process in Microsoft Dynamics AX. When you create a batch job, you set up a timer in the instance of Microsoft Dynamics AX Application Object Server (AOS). The job is then run automatically on the server. To run batch jobs, you must configure the batch server. For more information, see Configure an AOS instance as a batch server.
  1. Click Retail > Periodic > Data distribution > Process status messages.
  2. In the form, select Batch processing.
  3. If you want to run the batch process as part of a group of jobs, select a batch group in the Batch group field.
  4. Click Recurrence.
  5. In the Recurrence form, set the parameters to specify how frequently this job runs. Set the frequency based on how frequently you want status messages from Commerce Data Exchange to be uploaded to Microsoft Dynamics AX. We recommend that you run the job at least one time every day to catch errors promptly.
  • Test connections between components. Use the Test connection buttons in the Database profile form, the AOS profile form, and the Synch Service profile form.
  • Use ping, Telnet, or another network utility to verify that the Microsoft Dynamics AX computer at the head office can connect to the location computer. If it cannot, make sure that the firewall on the location computer is open to the required ports or programs. If the firewall is already open, work with the network administrator to correct the network configuration.
  • On the location computer, verify that remote connections to Microsoft SQL Server are enabled, and that SQL Server users and permissions are set up correctly. For more information about these requirements, see Configure SQL Server for the Retail databases.
  • Verify that Commerce Data Exchange: Synch Service is running on the location computer. If it is, see whether the Synch Service log contains errors.
    If logging is not turned on, turn it on, restart Synch Service, and then check the log. For information about how to set up logging, see Configure settings for Synch Service.
  • Verify that the connection information in the database profile is correct.
  • Bypass Internet Protocol security (IPsec) for the location and in the Synch Service settings on the location computer. For information about how to bypass IPsec, seeConfigure or bypass IPsec for Synch Service.

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